Celestial Forest

I'm excited to unveil my latest venture: the Celestial Forest Series. This captivating collection begins with two art pieces that embody the spirit of the Amazon jungle, each infused with a celestial essence that beckons you into a world of deep reflection and wonder. These mesmerizing artworks are more than just visual treats; they are journeys influenced by the mystical experiences of ayahuasca and the ancient wisdom of shamanism.

Each piece in this series is a homage to the Amazon's mystical power and the life-changing experiences it fosters. These prints are perfect for those yearning to incorporate elements of the profound and mystical into their environment. They offer not just a view, but an immersive experience into an ethereal world where the forest breathes and thrums with cosmic energy.

Available both as standalone prints and in framed formats, these pieces are ready to transform your space into a portal to another world.

Embrace the journey and immerse yourself in the Celestial Forest Series - your gateway to the magical and the transcendent.


Augmented Reality Book Cover - I Am Love